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3D printing for membrane and module manufacture

发布时间:2022-05-09    作者:Prof. G. Lipscomb    来源:腾讯会议     浏览次数:



报告题目:3D printing for membrane and module manufacture




Report I:

Report time: 9:00-10:00 am, May 11

Report title: 3D printing for membrane and module manufacturing

Participating software: Tencent Conference

Conference number: 722-124-312

Meeting link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/DxsgO5gB8Aop



报告题目:The upper bound on membrane permeability and selectivity – does such a limit truly exist?




Report II:

Report time: June 8, 9:00-10:00 a.m

Report title: the upper bound on membrane capability and selectivity – does such a limit really exist?

Participating software: Tencent Conference

Conference number: 918-645-926

G. Glenn Lipscomb教授个人介绍


他的工作已经产生了60多篇期刊文章,会议论文集和专利。他指导了14名硕士生和7名博士生的工作,并获得了近40项研究补助金,以支持学生及其工作。他的研究涉及与许多工业合作伙伴的合作,包括Generon IGS,Asahi-Kasei,Air Products,Fresenius Medical Care,Althin Medical和FilmTec。Glenn担任北美膜学会(NAMS)董事会成员已有八年。他目前负责监督NAMS业务办公室的运营,并担任秘书。他还曾担任NAMS副主席和主席。Glenn帮助在辛辛那提和托莱多开设了化学工程荣誉协会Omega Chi Epsilon的学生分会。在国家层面,他曾担任Omega Chi Epsilon副总裁,自2000年以来一直担任总裁。Glenn与他的妻子Janet Hartley(ChE '81),儿子Caleb,两只狗和两只猫一起居住在俄亥俄州的佩里斯堡。Glenn于2007年入选学院。

G. Glenn Lipscomb is Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering at the University of Toledo. He received a BS from the University of Missouri at Rolla in 1981 and a PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 1987. Professor Lipscomb worked three years for The Dow Chemical Company developing a second generation membrane process for nitrogen production from air. In 1989 he joined the University of Cincinnati and moved to Toledo in 1994. Professor Lipscomb has served as chair of the Chemical Engineering Department since 2004.

   The author of ~70 publications including four patents, Professor Lipscomb’s research focuses on membrane separation science and engineering. He has supervised over 20 graduate students and received nearly 40 grants to support their work. Professor Lipscomb is past Board Member and President of the North American Membrane Society. He also is past President and current Treasurer of Omega Chi Epsilon, the Chemical Engineering Honor Society. Professor Lipscomb is a member of the Journal of Membrane Science Editorial Board and a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.